Long Distance Tuning Blues

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Tue, 08 Apr 2003 16:41:57 -0400

Terry and others,

How far ones goes to service pianos is in part determined by how thickly populated the area is.  I consider anything within a 15-mile radius of my home to be my primary service area.  Beyond that there is a mileage charge, and the farther away the piano is, the more it costs for distance.

Perhaps 5% or so of my service calls are in the 15-20 mile circle and very few beyond that.  For exactly the reason you describe (the possibility of needing to make a free callback), I will generally suggest that potential customers who live beyond the 20-mile circle look for someone in their
locale.  Still, I will go if they consider me to be their best option.  The mileage charge at least makes me willing.

Clyde Hollinger

Farrell wrote:

> I got the Long Distance Tuning Blues.........<snip>  This piano is near Dade City, Florida - about 50 miles north of me. I serviced the piano because my contact is a nearby regular customer. I should not have gone that far.

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