Stanwood Standards, was Upweight Maximums

Richard Brekne
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 23:21:51 +0200

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David Love wrote:
 The discussion, as I recall, had to do with how much one was willing to
compromise regulation.  I am not willing to compromise regulation very
much.  But I don't see the need to either.  Pushing up strike weights to
very high levels simply forces you to use an assist spring in order to
keep regulation specs where they, in my opinion, should be.  As it
happens, I don't prefer assist springs or very high strike weights, so
it's not an issue.  If, in order to use high strike weights without
assist springs, you end up with 1/2" key dip, I'd have a problem.

Well, not to put too much a point on it, I dont like to <<compromise>>
the action either. And while I most certainly define that to include a
wider degree of acceptable parameters then perhaps you do,  I have a
hard time imagining the configuration you give here. Quite an
example.... high strike weights causing a 12.7 mm key dip..... I wont
even bother thinking what kind of SW-ratio we were imagining here :)

But back to reality, I am not quite sure what your distinction is
between the concepts og "right and wrong", and "compomise" in this
particular regard. Maybe you wouldnt mind clarifying that for me ?
 As has been mentioned on several occasions, Stanwood metrology is not
synonymous with Stanwood design.  I use Stanwood metrology on a regular
basis to assess and execute the actions that I do and recommend others
use it too.  Specific designs are another matter.  We all have our

Well, we certainly agree 100 % in this much. David

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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