Working Cruise, Answers for David
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 21:03:22 EDT

Hey, David! 

When did you move up to Kalamazoo-On-Hudson?

Here are your answers: 2 years. Netherlands, I think. Yes. Good.  20 or 30.  
Yes, but I don't look as good in a bikini as I did 15 years ago.  I would, 
but don't know the lyrics to "You Are Always On My Mind."

David wrote:

Hi Karen  -
Sorry I missed your original question.  I have a few.  How long have you 
been working for this company?  What is the nationality of ownership?  Is 
the electrical service on board compatible with your tools (ie rechargeable 
tools, glue pot, etc.).  How's their recent health record?  How many 
outfits will you bring...a whole new enterprise for 
the working tuner.  Do you think you could get your husband to film the 
gig?  Cruise-ware AND a documentary!  Now, if you also manage to fit in a 
couple of sets with the band, that would be a memorable week.

Regards and good luck -

David Skolnik

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