The Voice of Inexperience

Bill Ballard
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 23:42:28 -0400

At 6:14 PM -0500 4/9/03, <> wrote:
>Given all the facts above: How would you proceed? What would you do? 4/0
>pins? Are shims a better option when it's been doped? Open to all ideas ...

Oversized pins. That's what they're made for. The pinblock would have 
to be real good to allow you to swap bass strings without o'sized 
tuning pins. I'd pull the sandpaper shims out while you're at it. 
After the paper falls apart under the pressure, what you're left with 
is a lapping compound of the coarsest grade. 100 grit granules being 
ground into the pin hole walls by steel pins is not the ticket for a 
long life.

I hope you get to put in the new pins under the extreme dry 
conditions you described. It's nice to know how your choice of tuning 
pins is going to work in the worst case conditions.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"I gotta go ta woik...."
     ...........Ian Shoales, Duck's Breath Mystery Theater

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