new mac-software in back of ptg journal

Bill Ballard
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 23:53:19 -0400

At 12:34 AM -0400 4/9/03, wrote:
>I just ordered a new Mac G4 laptop today.I am wondering if there is 
>a good client/schedule program avaiable for a mac,as this is my 

One cheap solution is to find someone with a Palm Pilot. The 
installer disk will have both Mac and PC versions of the Palm 
Desktop, which is as good a contacts/calender/to-do app as most 
people need. I have a Handspring Visor which I use mainly for the 
calender, both on the desktop mac and the Visor. Most of my business 
stuff is done with customized databases.

>Also,has anyone ever tried any of the software programs in the 
>classified ads in the back of the journal.I have noticed several 
>listed in there for years,but have never heard any mention of them.

I've rarely seen anything in there which isn't PC-based. (BTW, 
welcome to the wonderful world. I got my first Mac in '89 and haven't 
looked back since.)

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"The box said 'Requires Windows 98, or better.' So I bought a Macintosh."
     ...........a wag from the Web (Boy, this is an old tag!)

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