keys not returning

Dave Nereson
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 01:43:27 -0600

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---- Original Message -----=20
      Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 10:24 PM
      Subject: Re: keys not returning

      In a message dated 04/09/2003 12:09:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time, = writes:=20

        height.  If that's not the case, then there's either friction or =
worn bushings or tight bushings or action parts that are too light, or =
another way of looking at it -- they keys need a little weight between =
the balance pin and the capstan.

      I am just coming in the back door of this thread,so I might be =
repeating something,or off base.When I'm checking sluggish problems,I =
first check the key, taking the action out of the equation,by lifting up =
the whippen off the key,and the reverse,checking action centers,by =
taking the key out of the equation.
      Hazen Bannister=20

          It's not so much a problem of sluggishness as that of the key =
not coming all the way back up.  If the action pinning is within reason =
and the key bushings aren't worn or too tight, I use Jiffy leads -- =
usually as close to the key button (on the back side) as possible.  =
They're manufactured for a reason.  What else do you do?  For one or a =
few keys, now -- we're not talking about re-weighting the whole =
keyboard.  You do that if there's a lot of them not returning and the =
player will notice the difference and can afford it.  --Dave Nereson, =

      ----- Original Message -----=20
      From: Warren Fisher=20
      To: Pianotech=20
      Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 4:05 PM
      Subject: Re: keys not returning

      Sure sounds like an angled upper section key with a worn center =
bushing to me.  Have you tried using a flat-ended needle file to smooth =
out the sides of the socket that is worn into the felt?  Of course, if =
you had a small chisel, you could pop out the bad felt and put new one =
in there and charge it to misc. repairs.  What'cha think?

      No, we've already assumed bushings, pinning, easing, squaring, =
etc. are all OK.  Everything's OK except the key doesn't return all the =
way up.  The front half of the key is too heavy for the action parts on =
the other end of the see-saw.  The rear half of the key needs a weight =
(or the front needs one removed, or the wippens need to be heavier or =
the balance rail hole is in the wrong place).  --David Nereson, RPT


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