Killer Octave Question

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 09:15:18 -0500

>Del or you or someone also wrote a while back some examples of how much a 
>rim might commonly move by every-day events - like someone leaning against 
>it, or the size change caused by a humidity change. As I recall these 
>movements easily were greater than the change in rib length between curved 
>and straight. Any recollection of this?

Yes, but not the numbers. Anyone who's interested can take some 
measurements of their own in a piano they have the soundboard out of and 
see what kind of pressure it takes to deform a rim 0.008", or a belly rail 

>I readily see that the case does not maintain the soundboard crown - the 
>crown is from curved ribs and/or panel compression. But could a spreading 
>rim tend to flatten the soundboard (like the Chris Robinson experiment)?
>Terry Farrell

I certainly don't see how, and this is the first I've ever heard of Chris 
doing this. I don't buy it.

Ron N

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