Help on aural stretch

Isaac OLEG
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 19:57:44 +0200

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Play fast the lower note then the highest (broken octave) and you will
attain more stretch than wanted in a very short time.
Play the 2 notes together to check if too much or not.
Play the double octave to check for purity
Play a major chord vs. the high treble and a minor chord vs. the same treble
major chord better : you can add stretch - minor chord better : you can have

Evenness of the 17ths progression ( and  is possible to check (more or less)
based on "how it sound" with a little habit, as it is fast as a fly buzz.
Personally I like the 17th beats to be noticeable and not some kind of
aggressive ultra tone.

Arpeggios : if you play an arpeggio up to the treble and feel the top end is
very clear and ringing, chances are that you have too much stretch.

BTW some instruments don't accept high stretch in the treble, and I've seen
tuners using a trick that I've been told is used in harpsichord tuning and
that is tuning reverse octaves (shorter than pure) in the treble , to
produce some friction there (as I guess friction is what is expected) . The
result is more pleasing than I thought, but not on all pianos, those with a
high treble spectra (high IH) accept that way better than those with a purer

Good luck, and best regards.

Isaac OLEG

Isaac OLEG

Entretien et réparation de pianos.

17 rue de Choisy
94400 VITRY sur SEINE
tel : 033 01 47 18 06 98
fax : 033 01 47 18 06 90
cell: 06 60 42 58 77

  -----Message d'origine-----
  De : []De la
part de David and Julie Streit
  Envoyé : vendredi 11 avril 2003 16:54
  À : Pianotech
  Objet : Help on aural stretch

  A client has asked me to put more stretch in the high treble. Simply put,
how do I do this as an aural tuner?  I know it can be subjective, but I also
need a way to make it even.

  Dave Streit, RPT

  AAA Piano Service

  Portland, OR

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