Killer Octave Question

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 18:11:43 -0500

>Would gluing on an uncrowned long bridge not force some of the valuable 
>and available crown out of the rib/board assembly?
>Owen Greyling, RPT Ontario, Canada

No, because the bridge is curved. The curve lets a flat bridge lie down on 
the soundboard just like a crowned bridge. I tried it once to see what 
would happen. Laying a flat bridge root I had just made on one of my high 
crowned boards (temporarily screwed down in the piano, it fit the board 
contour very well. I then cut a crown in the root and positioned it back on 
the soundboard to see what difference it made. I couldn't see that there 
was any real difference, and couldn't have told you which bridge was which 
if I was looking at pictures of each sitting on the board. The crowned 
bridge didn't sound any different to me after stringing than flat bridges I 
had installed in other pianos. If crowning the long bridge makes a tonal 
difference, or supports crown in some manner, I certainly can't detect the 
difference with either my ears, or measurement.

Ron N

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