Was "Killer Octave Question" now (OT)

Greg Newell gnewell@ameritech.net
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 19:55:16 -0400

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At 07:47 PM 4/11/2003, you wrote:

>Here's the displayed header from your message:
>Return-Path: <pianotech-bounces@ptg.org>
>Received: from bridget.rudoff.com ([]) by lakemtai06.cox.net
>The "From" line is what I'd copy before I hit reply - that's you. This is 
>only in the received message. It's stripped out of the reply. That's why 
>it's copied from the original. Yours should display that way too.

it does not.

>If not, click on the BLA BLA BLA box when you're looking at the original 
>and more junk than you could possibly want shows up, including the 
>original sender's address.

O.K. here you lost me. What do I do to see all you showed that is the 
normal expanded header stuff?

>Ron N
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

Greg Newell

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