Doin' the "Kimball Twist"!

gordon stelter
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 17:34:27 -0700 (PDT)

I have continually been tuning a truly wretched,
"new-ish" Kimball console for a church. The pins are
nicely tight, but as soon as I walk away the treble
goes flat.
     Yesterday I lined my eye up along the back and
noticed that the whole thing was twisting, and not in 
one plane ( or even two )!!!  
      ( Suffice it to say that the flimsy back
structure isn't like the one on my 1899 Mason!) 
     I am tempted to lag-bolt a piece (or more) of
2"x3" tube steel to this thing to try to stiffen it. 
I was thinking diagonally, but would like to hear from
anyone who has had experience with this, or would like
to offer suggestions, besides the match-and-kerosene
     Thanks in advance,

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