
Bill Ballard
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 09:11:16 -0400

>Check out this site for mac-pocketpc.
>Hazen Bannister

That's At first I thought it was a Mac OS 
software emulator for the Pocket PC, but it turns out to be a 
combination of file convertor and file synchronizer. Essentially 
turning the Pocket PC into a Palm, but a far more robust one at that 
with vastly greater software possibilities. I'm writing my database 
list to find out whether with the PC version on the Pocket PC and the 
Mac version on my desktop, it would be anything less than a straight 
shot between the two.

Further details in the MacWorld review

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"The box said 'Requires Windows 98, or better.' So I bought a Macintosh."
     ...........a wag from the Web

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