Steinway model?

Roger Jolly
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 09:36:37 -0600

Hi Calin,
                email Steinway, and they will give you exact date , 
location of manufacture, and model. All they need is the serial 
number.   If the piano was sold through a factory outlet, they will also 
give date of purchase, and the name of the original customer.
I recently phoned New York, to date a model O, and they had all the imfo on 
a Berlin sale from 1920.
Regards Roger

At 02:56 PM 4/12/2003 +0300, you wrote:
>I have just seen a small Steinway and am wondering what model it could be.
>It is 185 cm long, has 85 keys, 3 pedals, 3 bridges, round cylindrical legs.
>Serial number ~70700, that would be around 1891.
>Any info about this model?
>Calin Tantareanu
>pianotech list info:

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