Voice From The Past

tune4u@earthlink.net tune4u@earthlink.net
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 14:26:16 -0500

Got a look at a big ol' upright beater today. Plate says "Made in USA,"
fallboard says "Symphonic."

(Pierce doesn't have this name; maybe it's a stencil...)

Anyway, it hadn't been tuned in at least 10 years--the typical, seldom-used,
rural church rec room piano.

Amazingly, it was in not-so-bad tune. So I'm thinking the pin block must be
not-so-bad either. "Sorry, Wrong. But thanks for playing and, as a
consolation, here's a copy of the home version of our game." Block is very

Here's the fun part:

There is a tuning signature on the plate, name of Lehrman, with several
tuning dates in the 1930's. And next to his name, in the same penciled
handwriting is this note:

     "Easy on test blow"

Alan Barnard
Always something interesting in Salem, MO

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