Killer Octave Question

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 23:02:30 -0500

>FWIW: I just cut a long bridge out of an old Mason & Hamlin and it is as 
>flat as a pancake. Not a speck of crown to be found.
>Terry Farrell

You can tell? How tragic. One of the points I try to illustrate in my 
bridge building class is the difficulty in determining whether or not the 
original bridge was crowned, and how important it is to the assembly. An 
old Knabe bridge, lying on a table and propped up in the middle with a 
pencil, shows a lovely crown from end to end. Pull the pencil out, and it's 
dead flat. That bridge will lay on a crowned soundboard and very nicely 
conform to the crown of the board.

Ron N

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