Killer Octave Question

Greg Newell
Sun, 13 Apr 2003 10:36:47 -0400

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         A very interesting question. It seems that you would reach a point 
in which too much stiffness is counter productive. I'll be interested to 
hear others take on this as well.

Greg Newell

At 01:07 AM 4/13/2003, you wrote:

>I'm just following along on this discussion and don't have much to
>contribute in terms of whether the bridge does or doesn't support crown.
>But, assuming that it doesn't, the question that comes to my mind is
>whether or not you could build a bridge that does support crown, and,
>assuming you could, would there be any benefit.  In addition,  I recall
>reading a few days (at least) ago a comment by Del in which he mentioned a
>piano in which the original bridge had tapered down to a relatively reduced
>height was being replaced by a bridge of fuller height (in the treble) that
>would add stiffness in the upper area and that he expected it to improve
>sustain--assuming my memory is serving me well here, which it may well not
>and I am open to being corrected.  If that's true, and if the bridge can be
>made of stiffer material, or supported in some manner, why would you not
>want to use the bridge to support crown and, while your at it, have the
>thickness of the bridge increasing as it goes up the scale (rather than
>tapering down) to add stiffness and better impedance characteristics to the
>treble section.   I realize there are problems to be considered in terms of
>altering the bridge height, like what it does to the plate position, string
>height, action elevations and such.  But assuming we're talking about a
>full remanufacturing job, it seems these problems could be solved.  Anyway,
>the basic question is, is there any benefit to considering manufacturing a
>bridge of materials, shape that will support crown and/or contribute to the
>kind of impedance characteristics we're looking for whether in the short or
>long term.
>David Love
>pianotech list info:

Greg Newell 

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