Killer Octave Question

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 13 Apr 2003 10:17:19 -0500

>"Look up your engineering handbook."
>I don't own one. Never opened one.

Sure you do. It's online for download as a series of PDFs, or if you are 
like me and prefer an actual physical book, it's available at your local or 
internet book store.

"The Encyclopedia of Wood"
"Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material"

>I guess if I'm going to build a rib I need to start understanding what 
>effect various dimensions, etc. will have on its performance.

Good plan.

>"The paring (you might have a different term for it) at the ends of the 
>Oh, you mean the taper of the rib from the maximum height in the middle 
>section to a lesser height near the ends. OK, gotcha.

Feathering, I think.

Ron N

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