Killer Octave Question

Greg Newell
Sun, 13 Apr 2003 19:16:25 -0400

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         A very valuable post, even in it's brevity. Thanks a bunch!


At 03:22 PM 4/13/2003, you wrote:

>>OK then could someone give us an overview of exactly how a rib's 
>>dimension and or placement effects it's performance?
>Exactly, no. Roughly, yes - in a rib crowned board. Rib stiffness is 
>computed with a standard beam deflection formula, like the rib was a 
>center loaded beam. The rib scale is calculated from the stringing scale, 
>with stiffness requirements being determined by tensions and bearing load. 
>You're trying to tailer the impedance of the soundboard assembly at any 
>specific point in the scale to requirements of the string scale and 
>bearing at that point. Stiffness control is the more critical in the 
>bottom half of the scale, and mass control more important in the top half. 
>Positioning is determined by bridge type and placement, case shape, string 
>scale, and whatever else you want to take into account like panel 
>thickness, grain angle to the belly rail, rib to panel grain angle, cutoff 
>bars, number of ribs, etc. Lots of decisions to make.
>>Perhaps what possible effect either has on tone production as a whole and 
>>where to look for more material on the subject?
>As usual, Del's journal articles, and a month's archive readings.
>Ron N
>pianotech list info:

Greg Newell 

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