Bagdad-Play It Again Sam

Gordon Holley
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 08:25:58 -0500

You know, if I have any regrets about that particular restaurant and 
bar being bombed in Bagdad, I feel for the poor pianist just sitting 
there trying to make a little money, it's a rather quiet afternoon 
and Saddam and guests walk in and Saddam walks up to Sam and repeats 
Humphrey Bogarts famous line that he spoke in the movie "Play It 
Again Sam" and then BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM.
Goodbye old Howard spinet.  Oh well, it's Friday afternoon and I know 
this is a little OT, but what the hell, it's my first abuse on the 
Have a great weekend.  I'm sure that this weekend I'll get several 
request for "As Time Goes By", and they'll sing right along with me.
Regards, Gordon Holley
Goshen, IN

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