Killer Octave

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 13:11:35 -0500

>Del, Ron & Ron,
>Someone mentioned the physical difference of where the bridge is, in
>relation to the crown of the board. The killer octave is usually right where
>the bridge(s) is/are at the top of the crown, as it crosses from being on
>the back side of the arc, to being on the front side of the arc. The
>question is: Is there a relevance here? I know there are many factors in
>what makes a "bad" area in the soundboard, but could this factor be part of
>the equation? Just wondering.
>Best regards,
>Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Hi Joe,
I suspected that once upon a time, but it's proven to be almost everything 
but that.

Ron N

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