Killer Octave Question

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 22:52:05 -0500

>"Last night (25 years later) I pulled it (long bridge) back out of some 
>dark corner,
>and laid it on my granite panel: just as flat as ever. It's been
>sitting for a day now, balanced at mid-point on a pencil and is still
>I did the same thing to my flat Mason & Hamlin long bridge as Ron 
>suggested. I put a small dowel under somewhere near the middle of the 
>bridge. I can't balance it though, the midsection of it simply rotates up 
>and the two ends remain in contact with the table. How is it yours 
>balances when oriented bottom down and a pencil under the middle?

What, a sceptic??? Yours hasn't fallen off the dowel either, has it? Maybe 
Bill's granite slab is 3" square and 9" tall, and the bridge is balanced on 
the speaking length side.

Ron N

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