OT [Fwd: [DISCUSS] Microsoft limits XML in Office 2003]

Hechler Family dahechler@charter.net
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 08:36:01 -0500

Gosh, I didn't know I would start a war !

Keith Roberts wrote:

>Hi Don, I was under the impression that this is a list for piano technicians
>to discuss piano related issues. As Andy and others have posted, there is
>not any good reasons for posting OT. So yes, Hechler's post was in bad
>taste. It wasn't an off shoot of a relevant post, it was  promotion of a
>personal opinion, unrelated to pianos. It has as much place on this list as
>my opinions on hydrogenated vegetable oil. By your logic, everyone on this
>list eats food so it would be appropriate for me to post information from my
>cardio-rehab class on how that substance lowers your good cholesterol levels
>and raises your bad cholesterol levels and is a prime contributing factor in
>the incidence of heart disease at younger ages than ever before. Sure,
>posting that might help somebody on this list but that is not a good reason
>in light of the millions of unrelated topics out there that could clutter
>this list and make it absolutely worthless to the majority of us.
>Keith Roberts

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