Why is it that...?

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 16:21:58 -0400

Yeah, it works, too. Except that one time our school rented the auditorium to a
group for a concert.  They planned to use the Everett studio piano we had
recently purchased.  They damaged the piano trying to get the top open, then
settled on removing the kneeboard, which they loaded with all their gear after
the concert and took it away.  (We did get it back eventually.)


JIMRPT@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 15/04/03 3:25:55 PM, rrg@unlv.edu writes:
> << 13.  Everett decided that the best way to secure the top of an upright
> piano was to use hex head screws? >>
> Rob... I can only answer this question according to the answer from the
> factory sales person way back when.
>  " the top with back locking flanges and hex head screws will eliminate most
> of the student mischievous pillfering and damage in these models which carry
> the system...all these models were made for institutional use"...(or
> something awfully close to the preceeding! :-)

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