New Toy

Robert Goodale
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 13:45:34 -0700

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I bought a new toy this morning.  Actually I should rephrase; it isn't a =
toy but rather it will be an important and necessary part of our new =
shop which is intended to generate serious income.  But aside from that =
it is a really cool toy for anyone who likes working with wood.  I'm =
talking serious heavy duty top of the line industrial grade 230 v. 2 HP, =
740 lbs, 1/4 to 1-1/2 " blade behemoth powermatic band saw here!  Now =
THIS is going to be fun!  It gets delivered this afternoon!

Looks like this, (It will barely fit through the garage door, it's =
taller than me!)

Mmmmm, yummy!

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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