Baldwin AccuJangle

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 16:49:07 -0500

> > This tech spoke in a rather dismissive/disdainful manner of the Baldwin
>system. The tech's orientation at least was not unlike that which I have
>read on this list about tuned rear duplex scales (like S&S, Boston, Kawai,
>and a hundred others).
>Ah, the piano industry is a wonderful place. No good deed will go unpunished
>and any attempt toward progress will be greeted with contempt and derision.

Thomas Edison said something to the effect that it takes forty years to put 
a good idea over on the public, and even one that can be shown to be 
compellingly necessary and desirable will take at least ten. He was selling 
incandescent lighting at the time and meeting some - uh - resistance.. 
Something as simple, functional, and elegant as vertical hitch pins will 
take at least another fifty years for even partial acceptance, and much 
longer to be understood. If ever.

I always found it interesting that all the Baldwin dealers I've talked to 
here pointed out that those pins were used to readjust downbearing as the 
piano got older and the soundboard "settled", but I've not heard a single 
dealer of pianos with tuned rear duplexes say a word about tuning them.

I have no idea what that means, but it strikes me as odd.

Ron N

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