Baldwin warantee

Jonathan Finger
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 21:02:29 -0600

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Yeah, read a post about that a couple months back.

Legally, I can't think of any reason that Gibson would be liable for
Baldwin's work.  We might wish that they would stand behind the piano,
but they bought the factory, not baldwin's problems.  And certainly if
they're going to turn the business around, they're going to need to cut
costs, not incur them.


I don't like it, but it makes perfect sense.  I wouldn't have expected
anything less. :-)



Jonathan Finger RPT


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 6:49 PM
Subject: Baldwin warantee


Hey list:

I recently was called to tune a 10 year old Baldwin console. Turns out
that the pin block is totally separated from the frame (end to end and
top to bottom). The frame posts are all loose at the top as well. The
local Baldwin dealer checked with the factory (now owned by Gibson) to
see if they would replace/repair this piano under the original warantee.
Turns out that not only will they NOT honor this warantee but that the
warantees on all the brand new Baldwins on his sales floor were null and
void as well. Any thoughts?

will wickham

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