New Toy

Isaac OLEG
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 10:39:49 +0200

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Hi, let's make a club !

Have the same kind  but the color is green, good toy indeed ! (not top, but
professional grade, etc...)

Best Regards.

No pic to avoid clogging the digests


Isaac OLEG

Entretien et réparation de pianos.

17 rue de Choisy
94400 VITRY sur SEINE
tel : 033 01 47 18 06 98
fax : 033 01 47 18 06 90
cell: 06 60 42 58 77

  -----Message d'origine-----
  De : []De la
part de Robert Goodale
  Envoyé : mardi 15 avril 2003 22:46
  À :
  Objet : New Toy


  I bought a new toy this morning.  Actually I should rephrase; it isn't a
toy but rather it will be an important and necessary part of our new shop
which is intended to generate serious income.  But aside from that it is a
really cool toy for anyone who likes working with wood.  I'm talking serious
heavy duty top of the line industrial grade 230 v. 2 HP, 740 lbs, 1/4 to
1-1/2 " blade behemoth powermatic band saw here!  Now THIS is going to be
fun!  It gets delivered this afternoon!

  Looks like this, (It will barely fit through the garage door, it's taller
than me!)

  Mmmmm, yummy!

  Rob Goodale, RPT
  Las Vegas, NV

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