Broadwood's demise

Robert Wilson
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 21:44:32 +0100 (BST)

 --- Phillip Ford <> wrote: >
Here's a article from The Times (London) about
> Broadwood's demise:
> Phil F

 The article is misleading.  The Broadwood Trust still
exists and commissions pianos to be made by other
makers to their specification.  Ladbrokes of
Birmingham, England still make a barless upright for
Broadwood and a prototype 6' barless grand was
unveiled at The Royal College of Music about 4 years
ago. (It was not a great success)

Whelpdale, Maxwell & Codd who recently moved to
Gloucester and have now closed down did make one
upright model for Broadwood.

Bob Wilson.

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