Roofers and Piano Tuners

Dave Smith
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 23:37:02 -0400

Had an interesting experience today.  Arrived at appointment for new
customer and found no-one home.  Rang doorbell and knocked and knocked
....... No answer.    Roofers on the roof -- did not speak English, but I
think I asked them "Is someone home" , and I think they answered, "no".
Called the customer's phone number from my cel and got a busy.  Called again
and again. Busy and busy.   Then rang bell and knocked again.  Finally
visited a few neighbors to see if anyone recognized the name I had for the
tuning.  No-one did.  New neighborhood, new neighbors.  Re-visited the
roofers.  No new information was sucessfully communicated.

Kept calling.  Finally about 20 minutes later, the customer answered the
phone, and I told him I thought I was at the wrong house.  He said, "Wait a
minute, are you in a white Tracker, parked out front? "      I said I was.
I asked if he had roofers.  He said yes.  I said that I had knocked and
knocked and rung and rung..   He said that they probably didnt hear because
of the roofing noise.   I joked that this seemed a great day to have a piano
tuned, and the customer said, " Well, we wanted to get all the noisy things
done at the same time."

It turned out to be a great experience, with nice-to know people and a
tunable Kohler and Campbell console piano.   The roofers quit shortly after
I started tuning.  Couldn't stand the noise, I guess.

I did a pitch LOWER.  and a tuning.  Piano was 30c sharp, having been moved
from Boston to Florida.  Tuning ended with everyone happy, even the roofers
who quit early.
I dont' expect this kind of experience is new to most of you, but I wanted
to share the fun.  Wow, what a job!

Dave Smith


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