Cheep Upright Work

Robert Goodale
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 22:36:00 -0700

Remember the rule:  If it sounds too good to be true, well....

There is NO WAY you can "rebuild" any piano for $2,500.00.  That would
barely cover the cost of parts alone!!  Think about it; how much does a set
of hammers cost?  Add in a set of wippens.  Now add key bushing replacement,
punchings, felt, bass strings, treble wire, tuning pins, bridge pins, and on
and on.  Then there is the refinishing, the brass polishing, fixing stripped
screw holes, fixing/replacing the casters, replacing pedal and trap work
bushings... let me know when I should stop.  Of course you have to pay your
light bill, insurance, machinery.  So where does the profit part happen?  If
this is an actual R_E_S_T_O_R_A_T_I_O_N  prove it.  I don't know what this
shop is doing but it isn't restoration by any definition I'm aware of.  Not
mathematically possible.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

> Hey, I'm gonna stop work on the upright I am rebuilding and send it down
to Dollywood...........
> Complete upright piano rebuilding, including refinishing & restringing -


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