Cheep Upright Work

Thu, 17 Apr 2003 08:01:52 -0400

I guess what I found somewhat disconcerting is that they advertise to provide straightforward clear information of rebuilding, claim to "completely rebuild" these uprights and then sell them for peanuts. I have very strong doubts that their definition of "completely rebuild" is the same as what might be widely accepted in the industry. And because that term will always be a bit of a grey one, I think it is critical to provide a definition of the term from that rebuilder's standpoint.

Just for the yahoo of it, I submitted an inquiry on an Ivers & Pond upright for sale. I asked for specific details of all the work done during the restoration. I got back a song and dance sales pitch about the golden era of piano building, the rapidly increasing value of antique pianos, how rare they are becoming, etc. They also said they needed a $500 deposit so they would not sell it to anyone else (they are selling like hotcakes), that I could come to Dollywood and play it, or they would play it over the phone for me - then I could make a final decision.

No big deal. Just seemed kinda cheezy to me. It bugs me when a "rebuilder" sells "rebuilt" pianos and does not give an adequate accounting of exactly what the extent of the rebuild was. I think it is also important for the purchaser to get a little educational information along with that in the form of what the range of rebuilding tasks can be.

Terry Farrell
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith McGavern" <>
To: "Pianotech" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: Cheep Upright Work

> At 10:55 PM -0400 4/16/03, Farrell wrote:
> >...
> >
> >Now, how can you beat that?
> By doing equal or better work at an even lesser price.
> My hat's off to them for demonstrating the spirit of entrepreneurialism.
> Keith McGavern
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