Roofers and Piano Tuners

Ron Nossaman
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 07:03:14 -0500

>>  " Well, we wanted to get all the noisy things done at the same time."
>>I have run into this little bit of logic also. Amazing. But there is 
>>logic to it. Just doesn't work very well when implemented.
>>Terry Farrell
>ETDs to the rescue!!!  No?
>Conrad Hoffsommer PTG RPT, MPT, CCT

Apparently that's what it takes, and all the other electronic boojums we 
depend on. We sure need something to take up the slack where minimal good 
sense should have been. I think we should lobby for a prominently displayed 
flashing 12:00 on all essential equipment, so we'll know what to put on our 
Christmas list. Shields up! <G>

Ron N

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