Rebuilding for Performance or Show?

Ron Nossaman
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 10:38:11 -0500

>And for some rebuilders, performance is defined by $$ generated by piano 
>sale. Hence a good reason to help perpetuate the myth that the piano was 
>"perfected" over a hundred years ago. It is almost always cheeper to 
>duplicate that to change.

It's even cheaper to declare that certain expensive parts are immortal, and 
that a little cosmetic work will restore them to like new condition. The 
piano will still sell for as much as if it were more completely rebuilt 
than less, but the profit margin is higher. I've lost a whole lot of 
rebuild work to bids that were 80% of mine, covering less than half the 
work I outlined.

>Also I believe $$ is the main reason for the widespread formula applied to 
>many, many 100 year old high quality pianos: keytops, hammers, dampers, 
>shim, strings, refinish.
>Terry Farrell

And lower the plate to get measurable bearing. Mustn't forget that.

Ron N

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