"Tuned" Pitch Drop

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 09:01:36 -0400

No I didn't. You are right. I should have. But the five bicords that were flat had neighbors that were right at pitch or a couple cents sharp - so most certainly it would not be the whole section that shifted. These were five bicords out of - how many - perhaps 15 or so. It was really weird.

Terry Farrell
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Conrad Hoffsommer" <hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu>
To: "Pianotech" <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: "Tuned" Pitch Drop

> Terry,
> At 08:11 04/18/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> >BUT - five of these notes were wound bicords. AND BOTH STRINGS ON ALL FIVE 
> >Anyway, anyone have a reasonable explanation how this could happen? Boy, I 
> >don't know what the odds are against a random occurrence like this, but 
> >I'm sure they are not quite as good as winning the lottery.
> You checked plate screws? Might be a shifted pinblock in that section? 
> Never saw that phenomenom, myself.  You're sooooooo lucky.
> Conrad Hoffsommer
> Early to rise: early to bed;
> Makes a man healthy, and socially dead.
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