Baldwin L Serial Number
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 13:12:38 EDT

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In a message dated 4/18/03 11:42:44 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> This same Baldwin L with the "magic pitch drop" notes. I had never found a 
> serial number on it, and just by chance while crawling under it today I 
> noticed a small ink-stamped number on the soundboard side of the bellyrail: 
> "K 49123". Looked that up in Pierce and it suggests 1925. I guessed the 
> piano to be from the 1920s, owner thought it might be more like 40s or 50s.
> Obvious question: Is this the serial number? Baldwin ever put serial 
> numbers on bellyrails (its not in the normal place on plate - but some 
> clown has already painted plate, and pins, and agraffes, and 
> strings......)? And if so, what does the "K" indicate? Thanks.
> Terry Farrell

Not only on the belly rail, but also on the legs and lyre. It means you have 
to take them off, but if you really have to know, that is one place it might 
be. Don't know what the K is for.


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