Baldwin L Serial Number

Roger Jolly
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 11:10:22 -0600

Hi Terry,
                That was one of the favored places for Baldwin to stamp 
secondary ser# 's.   Other places to look that's less obvious, is on the 
top of the rear leg consol, and on the bottom side of the key board 
cover.  You will need a mirror and flash light.   I'm guessing now, but the 
K could be the scale designation.
The reason for two or three hidden locations for serial numbers, is for 
potential crime detection.
Imagine, shop lifting an L.

Regards Roger

At 12:36 PM 4/18/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>This same Baldwin L with the "magic pitch drop" notes. I had never found a 
>serial number on it, and just by chance while crawling under it today I 
>noticed a small ink-stamped number on the soundboard side of the 
>bellyrail: "K 49123". Looked that up in Pierce and it suggests 1925. I 
>guessed the piano to be from the 1920s, owner thought it might be more 
>like 40s or 50s.
>Obvious question: Is this the serial number? Baldwin ever put serial 
>numbers on bellyrails (its not in the normal place on plate - but some 
>clown has already painted plate, and pins, and agraffes, and 
>strings......)? And if so, what does the "K" indicate? Thanks.
>Terry Farrell
>pianotech list info:

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