two great products
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 18:16:52 EDT


I rarely have anything to offer, with all the expertise on this list, I don't 
feel as if my two cents is worth...well...two cents.  

But recently I had occasion to try out a couple of products that worked 
really well, and thought you all might want to know about them.

The first is called Goo Gone Brand PAINTER'S PAL.  I had purchased a Wurly 
spinet for a neighbor who was looking for a starter piano and I had it moved 
to my house for some repair.  When it arrived it had white paint all along 
the front.  It looked like the movers had accidentally rubbed it against a 
white wall or the interior of the truck during the move.  

How can you get the paint off without removing the finish?  This stuff, 
PAINTER'S PAL worked like a charm.  Didn't even have to rub very hard.  In 5 
minutes the paint was all gone and the finish wasn't affected in any way.  
You couldn't tell that it had ever been there.  Great stuff.  I'm not sure 
that stripping an entire piano with this stuff would be effective use of it, 
but it worked incredibly well removing the few spots of paint that rubbed off 
onto this Wurly.

The second product is called OOPS!  According to the label it removes tar, 
lipstick, crayons, gum, ink, adhesive residue, oil, magic marker and grease.  
This same Wurly had some very thick adhesive residue on the keys.  I know 
there have been several remedies offered on the list for removal of adhesive 
from plastic keytops, but add this one to the list.  Took off the residue in 
about 10 seconds with no damage to the keytop.  

To Dave Streit:  you might try this on your fingernail polished keys.  

BTW, the ingredients of this liquiddo  include "VM&P Naptha", but there was 
no negative effect to the keytop.  Someone had mentioned keeping naphtha away 
from keytops.  I did put the OOPS! on a rag and rubbed the adhesive off the 
key, rather than letting the OOPS! sit on the keytop.  Anyway, I can report 
that the keytop looked flawless when I was done.  No scratching, certainly no 
discoloration or deformity of the surface.  They looked perfect.  

So, there!  I am a contributor!  I have added to the database of knowledge 
which is this list.  I wish I had more to offer, but hey, maybe one of these 
products will make a difference to someone out there.

Tom S

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