Two Truths Reinforced
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 01:36:38 EDT

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In a message dated 4/18/03 9:17:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

>     1) Always do your best--for pride, for professionalism, for the benefit 
> of
> others. (Bach said he did it for the glory of God; can't top that.)
>     2) People CAN hear a well-tuned, well-played instrument and do 
> appreciate
> it. Even if we think they can't hear the difference, they really can.


Just as importantly, even if THEY think they can't hear the difference, they 
really can. Don't know how many times I've tuned pianos that people thought 
were broken but in reality only needed a tuning(or two....:-).

Good points, good post!  It's always nice to have your work appreciated!

Dave Stahl 

>     3) Good things happen when you follow #1 above.
>     4) Remember to have a bunch of !#*@$& business cards on hand at all 
> times!
> Very awkward to run out or have none when asked!
> I've never tuned for a concert, per se, but it was a thrill to hear my work
> that way. Must be great, you who are concert tuners--unless the artist is a
> real jerk, of course.

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