Curved Long Bridges

Sat, 19 Apr 2003 08:04:05 -0400

Oh dear. Thar ya go! You see, there are always assumptions made with these things. We were talking about a bridge from a piano with a well-designed stringing scale and long bridge (what other kind would you put into a piano?). There was an inherent assumption that hockey sticks belong on the ice, and not in a piano! Yes, axe that curve off the low tenor end of that stick and see how it balances.

Terry Farrell

BTW: Is that a hunk of granite on that table? Where did you get it? $$? Sorry, I couldn't resist - its the old geologist in me.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Ballard" <>
To: "Pianotech" <>
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 11:22 PM
Subject: OT: Curved Long Bridges

> OT: Curved Long BridgesAt 9:01 PM -0500 4/17/03, Ron Nossaman wrote:
>   Nevertheless, my long bridges are still curved. Is yours?
> Along its side, it is. (It was made, using the bridge from a discarded upright to glue strips of rotary-cut maple.) It's also still flat along its bottom. (BTW, this picture doesn't show the bridge balanced with both ends up in the air, but it does convey the straight bottom. Sorry for the low quality picture: it's a still shot with a DV camera.)
> But it can't do the trick which yours can which is to lie flat on a flat table, and then if put on a soundboard crown, to spoon with it.
> At 11:02 PM -0500 4/12/03, Ron Nossaman wrote:
>   An old Knabe bridge, lying on a table and propped up in the middle with a pencil, shows a lovely crown from end to end. Pull the pencil out, and it's dead flat. That bridge will lay on a crowned soundboard and very nicely conform to the crown of the board.
> Did I raise more questions than the one you wanted answered?
> Bill Ballard RPT
> NH Chapter, P.T.G.
> "No, Please wait, you're all individuals" Brain Cohen, exasperated
> "Yes, we're all individuals"  the throng assembled in the street          
>                 below his window, in unison
> "I'm not..."  Lone dissenter.
>     ...........Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
> +++++++++++++++++++++

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