Killer Octave Question

Ron Overs
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 12:33:22 +1000

Del and all,

>At 6:25 PM -0700 19/4/03, Delwin D. Fandrich wrote:
>. . . Compression set is much more of a problem perpendicular to 
>grain than it is
>parallel to grain. A compression load that will turn spruce to pulp when
>applied across grain will barely faze the same piece of wood when applied
>parallel to grain.

Yes indeed. Now this leads me to wonder just how much longer we might 
expect a sound board with a properly laminated panel to last?

I have yet to pull down a piano with such a board in it after many 
years of service, but I feel the laminated panel will be much more 
reliable than anything one could build in solid spruce. The problem 
with solid sound boards as I see it, is that the compression set will 
always tend to occur in the weakest sections of the boards. This 
explains why we see strips of the sound board panel which appear to 
be free of ridging, while other sections (often located towards to 
edges of the boards, and adjacent to the glue joints) will show 
obvious signs of compression set. A laminated panel, on the other 
hand, will tend to force to compressional load, on a sound board 
panel, to be more evenly distributed across it. This is, I believe, 
why laminated panels continue to retain (visually at least) an 
uncompressed surface as the piano ages. Our no. 003 piano is showing 
no signs of any ridging at this point in time. The panel in this 
piano is a standard Samick five ply 7.5 mm thick panel (all spruce). 
The new laminated panel which we are about to build for piano 6 will 
have three laminations only, a center lamination of 3.5 mm, with a 
top and bottom lamination of 2.25 mm each. This will allow us to sand 
off 0.5 during final finishing without going below 7.5 mm.

Ron O.

Grand Piano Manufacturers


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