Even balance weight or even something else, that's the question.

David Love davidlovepianos@earthlink.net
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 19:46:11 -0700

Recently I set up an action for a concert level pianist who needed a very
light action (hand problems).  I set it up using my standard balance weight
method.  After playing the action for awhile, she decided that the upper
half of the instrument was too light.  Fortunately, I had set this one up
with assist springs (the only way to get it as light as she needed). 
Because they were adjustable assist springs (very smart of me, in this
case) it didn't take long to change the weight.  What I ended up doing was
increasing the balance weight proportional to the decrease in friction
associated with the progressively lighter hammers, in other words, even
down weight.  That, as it turned out, seems to be exactly what she wanted,
though she did not express it in exactly those terms.  The dynamic model
would have had me increasing the weight to get even inertia throughout the
piano, something we haven't discussed much yet (How's it going Stephen B.).
Why do we assume that even balance weight should be the standard which
translates to a lighter feel at the upper end of the piano than at the
lower end.  Anybody experimenting or setting up pianos with a graduated and
increasing balance weight or, better yet, with uniform inertia?

David Love

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