Post Responses

David Skolnik
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 09:51:04 -0400

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Terry -
You are right  to take pride in the little miracles that are the 
unpredictable children of ones' thoughts.  In response to your question, if 
you allow for the somewhat looser interpretation, which follows the subject 
thread, rather than the specific posting title (since the actual subject of 
this wandered a bit), my candidate for the longest would be one which began 
on 11/30/01 "Negative Bearing" by the infamous David Love, and morphed 
through a number of changed subject tiltles until a final gasp from Phillip 
Ford and Richard Brekne, "Vibrating strings and bridges", on 3/14/02.  I 
counted a total of about 519 posts throughout the thread, the title 
subjects of which were as follows:

11/30/01 - 12/04/01     Negative Bearing                        037
12/03/01 - 12/06/01     Soundboard grain angle                  039
12/03/01 - 12/04/01     Sound in soundboard                     009
12/04/01 - 12/06/01     Modal Analysis                          025
12/05/01 - 12/08/01     Sound waves                             032
12/08/01 - 12/10/01     Soundboard vs. string                   005
12/15/01 - 12/ 21/01    Behavior of sound waves                 255
12/24/01 - 12/31/01     Rocking bridges                         032
12/25/01 - 12/26/01     Sound wave physics                      002
01/06/02 - 01/10/02     Sound propagation                       019
01/17/02 - 01/20/02     Soundwaves (a neat experiment)          023
01/24/02 - 01/31/02     Wapin bridge                            026
02/04/02 - 02/05/02     On the course of discussion             002
02/25/02 - 02/27/02     Bass bridges made of spruce             005
02/27/02                Aprons & holey bridges                  002
02/25/02 - 02/27/02     On the Course of discussion             004
                         (Behavior of soundboards)
03/14/02                Vibrating strings                               002

I always hoped (expected) that the discussion would revive once everyone 
cooled down and took extension division courses in non-linear calculus.  So 
far, no luck.  I thought I had a chance at reviving it last week, when I 
replied to a post of Del's in "No killer octave here", where he said:

>At 04:18 PM 4/13/2003 -0700, Del wrote:
>>Energy from the strings is "transferred over a greater area of the bridge"
>>by virture of the bridge being set in physical motion by the vibrating
>>energy in the strings. Because of this motion both the soundboard and the
>>other strings in the vicinity are also set in motion.

I said:

>I'm wondering whether to expect a response from Robin Hufford any time 
>soon. I wasn't sure that one ever got settled either, at least with a 
>"blow'um out of the water" arguement.  I had always expected that the 
>subject would be revisited when tempers had cooled.  Perhaps they're still 

No takers then.  Any now?

Still keeping my head down, with extra gallons of H2O in the basement.

David Skolnik

PS.  The recent Steinway Duplex discussion (11/12 - 12/01) @ 249 did pretty 
well also.

At 06:23 AM 4/21/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I find it curious sometimes that you can post something and not get any 
>responses. Then other times the responses don't seem to stop. I wonder if 
>anyone has kept track of the most popular post ever (the most responses to it)?
>I'm amazed at the conversation stirred up by my original Killer Octave 
>Question post. I was hoping to get a little feedback - probably from the 
>likes of Del F. and Ron N., but clearly did not expect 124 responses!!! 
>This back-and-forth banter seems to have squeezed out some very 
>interesting information.
>Terry Farrell
>pianotech list info:

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