Post Responses

Conrad Hoffsommer
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 12:35:54 -0500

At 10:18 4/21/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Terry, David,
>I also remember a long thread on Impedance and Empiricism back in 
>2000.  Haven't had time to look it up and count the responses.  I do see a 
>pattern of certain people able to sustain and carry discussions beyond 
>where most of us care to go!

You could probably find a few flamewars that went way too long, too. - 
definitely "beyond where most of us care to go"!!

They don't count, though.  ;-}

Conrad Hoffsommer PTG RPT, MPT, CCT
Decorah, IA

Certified Calibration Technician (CCT) for Bio-powered Digitally Activated 
Lever Action Tone Generation Systems

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