"Tom Thumb" Player Grand

Philip Jamison mortier@netreach.net
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 17:34:16 -0400

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The little Schultz grand player piano is probably a Recordo (images on =
Pianotech appear to me as pages of numbers). These had a brief =
popularity around 1929. The Recordo was a reproducing piano system which =
played 88-note rolls and Recordo rolls (QRS made many of these). It was =
liscened to many piano makers. Often the pneumatic actions were made by =
Simplex. These pianos have a big tone for their size. They also made =
little uprights. I have a 44" player grand for sale now, if anyone wants =
one. It's been refinished. The player's been restored, but is out of the =
piano. Asking $1800.

Philip Jamison Pianos
West Chester, PA 19382

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