Is it real or a toy Baby Grand?
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 22:12:28 EDT

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Hello Ken,

   You have a real piano.

    There were  two brands of these little 
grands. One was built by M.Schultz and
the other by Story&Clark. 

    I own a S&C now and owned another 
years ago. I have rebuilt one M. Schultz.
#212543 built in 1927.   
   The Schultz  used a "Seaverns" 404
 Action and the Story&Clark used a "Thayer"  
    The bass string count on the Story&Clark
is 8 single strings and 12 doubles.
The Schultz is 9 single strings and 15 double.
   I can't say that all of these little grands are
the same but both of the Story&Clarks were.

   These pianos are not worth a great deal
but they are unique.  And all had  double
"gate" legs.

Jack Wyatt

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