"Tom Thumb" Player Grand

Robert Goodale rrg@unlv.edu
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 22:20:01 -0700

Ampico players will play Recordo rolls to the extent of the roll's
abilities.  The encoding was very similar although the Ampico was far more
advanced.  Likewise a Recordo will play Ampico rolls but the expression is
limited to the player's abilities.  The Duo Art and the Welte systems have
completely different formats and are not interchangeable with anything with
the exception that all of the above systems will play any normal 11 holes
per inch 88 note roll with no expression.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

> Yes, probably a "Recordo".  But a "Recordo" is NOT a
> "full" reproducing piano like a Duo Art, Ampico or
> Welte. It has a simpler "step" intensity system that
> provides some dynamics, but can not faithfully
> reproduce a human performance, as can the above 3 when
> properly restored.

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