Shopping for a Belly

Bill Ballard
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 21:29:44 -0400

So if I wanted to look locally for a soundboard installer doing it as 
somebody halfway, all the way across the country would, my two 
questions in the survey would be 1.) do you put a crown in your ribs 
and if so, what % of belly press crown, and 2.) what's your working 
E.M.C. during the process. And the answer I would want to hear would 
be 1.) yes and 100% of crown (ie., the ribs don't get bent in the 
press), and 2.) no lower than 6% E.M.C. All other things being equal 
(known workmanship and reputation, proper I.N.S. documentation for 
the employees, etc.).

Would this indicate a belly put together as Ron and Del have been 
describing it? Or should I add another question or two?

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"There are fifty ways to screw up on this job. If you can think of 
twenty of them, you're a genius......and you aint no genius"
     ...........Mickey Rourke to William Hurt, in "Body Heat", discussing arson.

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