depressed lead

Joe And Penny Goss
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 08:37:41 -0600

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Hi Lisa.
It seems like the design intended to use over strong springs on the =
hammer return. To ease the down weight issue they had to use lead to the =
front of the balance rail. My thinking is that this constant heavy =
pressure on the contact between the capstan and wippen cushion causes =
the dimple to form rather quickly.
I have had this same problem on several other compressed actions, but =
this is the first time that my reasoning powers have tried to make sense =
of it and tried to form a real solution to the problem <G>
You are correct that the piano must have worked once, but how well and =
for how long. Usually I have just dismissed this sort of piano as a pso =
( lower case intended ) and reccommended its replacement but this time =
the work was done for a friend who had sold the piano and we are trying =
to save the sale. I hope others have some input, leather heel covers =
might improve the dimpling but might also cause unwanted noise. Humm =
well just thinking.
Joe Goss
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:37 PM
  Subject: Re: depressed lead


  How are the jack springs?  If the action worked once, why would you =
change the leads now? =20


  In a message dated 4/22/2003 10:29:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time, = writes:

    Hi all,
    Kimball compressed action circa 1980
    Keys depress down when action is removed,
    dimples in the wippen heel cloth,
    slow key return.
    All action centers well lubed and free
    Steamed, ironed dry and applied teflon powder.
    Still a few uncooperative citizens.
    Two questions=20
    1. is it normal to have the keys smartly salute in reverse.
    2. is it best to remove lead from the key stick ( oh yes all the =
lead is to the front end of the key stick between the front pins and =
balance rail )  or should I add some jiffy leads.

    Joe Goss

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