Asian Hammer Butt Spring String Friction

Wed, 23 Apr 2003 17:58:22 -0400

Asian Hammer Butt Spring String Friction - say that 3 times real fast........

Problem: Renner Asian-type upright hammer butts with the integral spring and flange cord and steel plate that retains the flange center pin. The flange cord forms an acute angle that faces the width of the steel center pin retainer. When the butt is at rest, the flange cord is a millimeter or so away from the edges of the steel plate. As the hammer is propelled forward toward the strings, the apex of the flange cord angle gets closer to the steel flange and so the opening of the angle gets smaller. Prior to the flange being parallel to the shank (which is pretty close to the position when the hammer would hit the string), the flange cord comes into contact with the edge of the steel plate and for the short distance to the flange aligning with the hammer shank, the flange cord drags along the edge of the steel plate. 

I can feel the resistance in the flange. I can't imagine it should be like that. I just bought these hammer butts from Renner. Has anyone ever noticed this before? Does this occur on Yamahas? Any thoughts on how this might affect performance? I'm inclined to reject these hammer butts, but I've been know to obsess over trivial matters before (good enough won't cut it here). Any thoughts?

Terry Farrell

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