Loose bridge pins and CA!!!!!???????

Don pianotuna@accesscomm.ca
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 13:51:56


CA glue = Cynoacrylic Glue = crazy glue.


At 08:47 PM 4/24/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>Okay you guys, I give up! You got me beat. I've managed to suss out most of
>your List jargon abbreviations, but for the life of me I cannot work out
>what this CA glue stuff is that you all propose as the ultimate panacea for
>piano ills. All I can think of is "Carpenter's Adhesive", but then you start
>talking about wearing face masks and all that. What is this stuff?  What is
>the chemical name etc?
>Alan Forsyth
>>>>>We keep talking about real thin CA. What brands and sources are y'all
>Alan Barnard>>>
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.


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